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putting the "we" in we are ithaca

“I wanted everybody to see that… in Ithaca… there are a lot of people from different backgrounds”

-the cardenas sisters


Ithaca, New York is often described as a unique, diverse and entertaining place to live, with an abundance of things to see and places to explore.  It’s this distinctive and original atmosphere that led Robyn Wishna to pursue her project "We Are Ithaca", a community portrait series. 

What is We Are Ithaca?

­We Are Ithaca is a community portrait project created by photographer Robyn Wishna in conjunction with the Park Foundation and the Community Arts Partnership.  Its purpose is to create a "snapshot" of Ithaca in 2017 and showcase the people who live here.  


Robyn Wishna is a documentary and photojournalist, as well as a part-time Ithaca College professor who says she loves to allow people to tell their stories. "Ithaca... it's people, which I think is one of its best assets."


The goal of this project – as told by Robyn is to:

  • Establish a visual narrative of Ithaca

  • Allow people to tell their stories

  • Create an art installation


This is one of the most essential parts to Robyn.  The only way to tell the story of the diversity that Ithaca is built upon is to physically show it.  The ability to use photography to encapsulate someone’s heritage, someone’s hobbies and someone’s voice is what creativity is about. 


Although this current project mainly revolves around photography, We Are Ithaca is scheduled to have a much greater impact in the community. 


Long Term Vision

We are Ithaca has begun as 20 or so portrait sessions all throughout Ithaca.  Robyn takes a portrait of anyone who’d like to come in and participate.  She often encourages people to bring something along that is meaningful to them.  Whether it is a flag, a photo, a pair of sneakers – everyone has their own story to tell. 


Once the photo is finished, Robyn then asks if they would like to share anything on video.  During my time spent at the We Are Ithaca shoot I saw quite a few who liked the idea of sharing their opinion. 

All of the portraits are later posted online and available for download.  It is the video pieces which will then take on a new life of their own. 


Robyn and her team plan to create a “little documentary about the whole project” including the compelling pieces that people chose to share.  Then, next August, Robyn says, “there will be a celebration of sorts, I think it’s going to be over two days including exhibits and talks and video pieces.”


John Spence, the Executive Director of the Community Arts Partnership said that he’s “proud to be working with the Park Foundation and Robyn Wishna”.  He explained that her creativity and goals for the project soared higher than he could’ve imagined. “It’s been delightful to brainstorm how this would all come together” said John. 

Sam Queen, an Ithaca photo framer talked about his friend Robyn saying, "she's very active in those communities and I think this is just another way of her giving back to those communities". 


The We Are Ithaca photo series is still in progress and is scheduled to be finished a little less than a year from now.


Wishna and her crew seem to be pleased with the turn out they've received so far, and intend to keep shooting until they've got all the material they need. 

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